Cloze App For Mac

Click here for the Japanese version.

  • Cloze Generator for Mac OS X is provided by a zip file. Extract and open the file. To start the program, open Cloze Ordinary procedures to make blanks. On the main screen, click 'Basic Close automatic n-th / manual.' Then, copy and paste your passage into the box.
  • The Cloze app can show you who is important to you, based on a number of factors related to your communication. And it can also tell you people with whom you might be losing touch.

2008.8.6 World CALL Poster Session Handout/ Poster / Sample passage(PDF Download)

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Lastupdated on Aug. 2, 2017

Kenji Kitao(Doshisha University)
kkitao [at]

Kenichi Kamiya(Osaka Institute of Technology)
kamiya [at]


Cloze Generator (CG) makes cloze exercises (i.e., insert blanks in) from English passages you provide, which can then be used for a test or an exercise. And remember, it’s FREE!

You can make blanks for every n-th word automatically.

CG makes blanks in the passage, provide alternative answers in random order following the text using the words deleted from the text, and provide the correct answers on the bottom of the page in the order of the blanks.

You can also export an html file compatible with anaume.js, a web-based e-learning exercises program script provided by the presenters.

We are so afraid that the two function, Cloze Vocaburary Level and Cloze Part of Speech, are not available anymore, due to shutdown of the website which this software accesses to.

Download Software

Cloze Generator for Windows XP/Vista

Cloze Generator for Mac OS X

Script and Style sheet for E-learning *

* These two files are needed to be uploaded or saved on the same directory together with an exported html file you made.

How to Use Cloze Generator

This software is largely self-explanatory.Cloze Generator for Windows XP/Vista is provided by an installer application.When you are done with installation, start the program by opening the shortcut Cloze Generator on your desktop.

(If you cannot use the installerapplication for security reasons, please use the zipped file. Extract the fileand you will find mwb_tool.exe in the folder.)

Cloze Generator for Mac OS X is provided bya zip file. Extract and open the file. To start the program, open

Ordinary procedures to make blanks

On the main screen, click 'Basic Close automatic n-th/ manual.' Then, copy and paste your passage into the box.

  1. For making each n-th word blank automatically, set configuration in the auto n-th section. (lower left)

a. Specify Index number (n), for example, 6 or 7. The default is 8.

b. You can choose whether you make blanks in the first sentence or not.

c. Click “Preview” to see what the cloze looks like. Words deleted-to-be are shown with @.

  1. For making blanks with the specific words you want manually, set configuration in the manual section. (lower right)

Cloze App For Mac Shortcut

a. To enlarge the font size, in order to work adding @ smoothly, select the size and click the next “Change font size” button.

b. Add @ without any space in front of the words you want to make blanks.*

c. You can specify a certain word, which will be replaced by blanks throughout the passage. Click “Choose words.”

d. To erase all the @ from the passage, click “Reset.”

  1. Click “Send.” The result is shown on another window shortly.
  2. Choose “Text file” or “HTML format.” To get the file, click “Export” and save it with the extension of “.txt” or “.html”

* In languages which do not have spaces between words, suchas Japanese, you need to put a space before @ in front of the parts you want tomake a blank, and a space right after the parts.

Install the Cloze Call and Text Sync App on your Mac to automatically track iPhone calls and text messages.

Cloze app for mac windows 10

Automatic call tracking is included with all Cloze premium plans: Pro, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Automatic text tracking is included with Cloze Business Gold and Cloze Business Platinum.

The call & text sync app will require:

  • Sufficient space on your computer to backup your call logs and text messages
  • The encrypted backup password for your iPhone if you have created one previously. If you have not created one, you will need to create one to sync your calls & texts. For more information on encrypted backups, Please view this article from Apple:

The Cloze Call and Text Sync App creates an encrypted iPhone backup on your computer, and then syncs with this backup to automatically log your phone calls and text messages.

Below are instructions on how to install the Cloze Call and Text Sync App on your Mac. If you have a PC running Windows please follow these instructions.

This Cloze feature automatically logs:

  • iPhone messages (SMS and iMessage)
  • WhatsApp messages and calls
  • Phone calls made with your iPhone

Once installed the app runs in the background on your Mac to periodically sync and log texts and calls.

1.) Connect your iPhone to your Mac using a lightening cable

➜ Note: It is important that you connect your iPhone to your Mac with a lightening cable, for the initial setup and sync. Once set up, the text messages will sync over Wi-Fi.

2.) Download the Cloze Call and Text sync app on your Mac

Tap on the button to download the app

By installing the app you accept Cloze's
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

3.) Drag the app icon into the Applications folder and run it

4.) Log in to Cloze

5.) Select the device to sync

6.) Follow the steps to create your encrypted phone backup

In order to log your text messages and calls, Cloze will create and store an encrypted backup of your iPhone on your computer. Cloze will sync with this backup to log your phone calls and text messages.

Please enter a secure password to protect this backup and allow Cloze to access it:

Your phone will now begin the process of backing up to your computer.
This can take minutes to an hour or two.

➜ Tip: You do not need to keep the window open or stay on this screen while the backup occurs. You can close the window at any time.

Once the initial backup has finished you will see: “Your iPhone is Ready”

When you see “Your iPhone is Ready” you can safely disconnect the lightening cable. Your phone will continue to sync periodically over Wi-Fi.


  • To sync, the phone and computer must be on the same Wi-Fi network
  • Your phone and computer must be plugged in or have at least 30% of the
    battery left
  • The sync occurs every two hours or when the battery and Wi-Fi requirements are met
  • Once the initial sync is complete, it may take some time for contact
    timelines in Cloze to be updated


My text messages and calls are not syncing to Cloze.

To sync, your iPhone must be on the same Wi-Fi network as your computer.

As a first step we recommend checking to make sure both your computer and iPhone are on the same Wi-Fi network by running the Wi-Fi diagnostics tool that is built into the Cloze Call and Text Sync app.

Click here for step-by-step instructions.

If you have questions about the diagnostic results please send a screenshot of the diagnostics results to

I texted with someone yesterday, but I don’t see the messages in Cloze, why?

  • Double check that the phone number you were texting is included in the person's contact profile in Cloze. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to add information to a contact.
  • Please make sure there has been a recent sync. The most common reasons for a sync not to occur is that the battery on your phone was below 30% or your phone and computer (with the app) were not on the same Wi-Fi network.

A few phone calls are showing on my timeline twice, why?

  • There will be some overlap in call history between your mobile phone carrier and the Call and Text Sync app.
  • Once you have successfully connected the Cloze Call and Text sync app, you can disconnect your connection to your phone carrier (Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint) to avoid duplicates
  • Please read our tips below before removing your phone carrier connection.

When I disconnect my phone carrier what option should I choose?

When you disconnect, you have two options:

  1. Remove and Cleanup
  2. Remove and Keep History [PICK THIS ONE]

We recommend keeping phone the history from your mobile phone carrier.

  • The Call and Text sync app will only sync the last 500 calls from your device, so if having the full phone history is important, we recommend the “Remove and Keep History” option.
  • This will result in some duplicates showing in your near-term timeline, but going forward you will not see any duplicates

How do I open the Cloze Call and Text Sync app settings?

Click on the Cloze icon in the menu bar and select Settings.

How do I manually start a sync of calls and text messages to Cloze?

Cloze App For Mac Os

Click on Cloze icon in the menu bar and select Sync Now.

You can also do this by opening the app and clicking the “Sync Now” button.

Does a text message count as an interaction for keep in touch reminders?

Yes, text messages will update the the Last Interaction date for a person and reset the keep-in-touch reminder cycle for the contact.

How do I change how often Cloze syncs?

You can change the frequency of the sync by opening the app and clicking on the linked text.

Note: Backing up your device is resource intensive. Frequent backups may significantly impact your phone's battery life.

How do I change the required battery percentage left?

Glose App For Mac

You can change the battery power that is required by opening the app and clicking on the linked text.