Uninstall Apps Mac Snow Leopard

Question: Q: Uninstall Snow Leopard I am very disappointed with the 10.6 upgrade, and wish to revert back to my latest Mac OS X (, or whatever it was). I did not do a clone install, and would like some assistance on how to revert back to plain old working well Leopard. 是Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)刺激性或创建您的Mac电脑的问题?是你想删除它,但未能做到这一点,结果会如何呢?你要买的方式完全卸载它?那么,在这里你的解决方案,只需仔细阅读这篇文章。毫无疑问,Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)是一个很好的许多Mac用户在他们的机器上安装的应用程序时. Hello all Mac users i have a question and really need to know whats the diferences and features between the 3 OS mentiones above. Just came out couple days ago Mountain lion, and I don't know a lot about this, just bought a MacBook that is running on Snow leopard, and it has all the text specs requires to update it until Mountain Lion.

是Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)刺激性或创建您的Mac电脑的问题?是你想删除它,但未能做到这一点,结果会如何呢?你要买的方式完全卸载它?那么,在这里你的解决方案,只需仔细阅读这篇文章。毫无疑问,Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)是一个很好的许多Mac用户在他们的机器上安装的应用程序时,他们感到需要。但经过一段时间后会发生什么,干扰其他应用程序的mac应用程序启动,并开始建立电脑中存在的问题。它扰乱了机器的性能,更改桌面背景等等一切。有可能是背后的原因很多,如在其档案中的腐败,处理不当等一段时间也发生应用程序变得无用的用户,这就是为什么他们想从它们卸载的应用程序,这个应用程序故障的计算机。


步骤3:选择Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)的应用程序后,点击“应用程序”选项。

删除的文件和文件夹的Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)。


上述过程只删除安装可执行文件的Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)的应用程序中,虽然当时正在安装的应用程序创建这么多的文件在您的计算机。其他文件仍然执行上述过程,如果您的电脑。如果Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)已经感染及其影响您的计算机的性能。然后卸载后,它仍然会影响您的计算机。它不会释放您的硬盘空间,让您的零散文件慢和恼人的表现和结果。为了摆脱这个问题,并完全卸载某某Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)自动卸载工具,你必须采取的帮助。它是一种先进的工具,是专为MAC用户使用强大的和最新的算法,卸载不必要的应用程序。





第2步:打开“智能卸载”,然后选择Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)应用程序。



现在你的电脑是安全的,可靠的以及Apple Security Update (Snow Leopard)已成功卸载。

Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it is all those years of using PCs. I don’t know but I swear life is just better when you start fresh. A couple friends recently asked me how to Clean Install Mac OS X Snow Leopard. I know I spoke of this once before, but I will go over it all again, just in case they are trolling my blog. Yup, I see you over there in the corner 😉
First, why would someone want to Clean Install Mac OS X Snow Leopard? Well, again I am a bit paranoid when it comes to OS upgrades. Sure, patches and updates are fine – but – full on upgrades are a different beast altogether. In my opinion too many things can go wrong. Again, this may be stemming from my experience with say Windows. However, I make my living working on my Macs. I don’t need them to go down or have to deal with strange happenings. I really like doing a clean install of my OS including OS X Snow Leopard because it enables me to clean the slate and start fresh. No matter how easy the Snow Leopard upgrade installer works. Its still installing over old crap. Orphaned apps, prefs, settings and what not. Why not clean the drive off, format it and know that you are working with all the ancillary crap removed. It helps trust me.

First off, how many Mac Applications have you installed since Leopard came out? If you are like me – you try different things all the time. Even if you aren’t installing or trying apps out all the time. When is the last time you gave your system a through cleaning? I try and reformat believe it or not once, maybe twice a year. Now I know your mileage will vary greatly – depending on how you use your Mac. For example, my wife she doesn’t need to reformat. She uses her Mac for Email, Word Processing, the Internet, QuickBooks and some Mahjong that’s pretty much it. Simple stuff right there. But guess what… I will still do a clean install on her Mac. I probably will not reformat again – till the next Version of Mac OS X pops out from Cupertino, in year or so.

Mac Os Uninstall

I guess its time to explain my process of doing a clean install of Mac OS X Snow Leopard. So, hold on to your hats and don’t fall asleep.

Clean Install Mac OS X Snow Leopard

1. First off make sure you have a backup. I prefer having redundant backups of only my data.
2. I then take some time and take screen shots of all my installed applications. This way I know all the apps I had installed on my Mac. Helps prevent forgetting about those rarely used applications later on.
3. I recommend writing these apps down and storing them on Google Docs or similar.
4. Next I think of each app thats installed on my Mac. If they have settings I have customized I open the app and copy all the important settings down. I really do this only for the important apps.
5. Make sure to back up things like Mail, iCal, 1Password, DropBox, Share Folder, iPhoto, AddressBook, Jungle Disk, CandyBar, Transmit, DreamWeaver, PhotoShop plugins, extensions etc… (back up ~/library/Application Support/Mail & ~/library/preference/com.apple.mail.plist)
6. DO NOT forget the Fonts! I did this once and I lost a good bit of my Fonts collection (which is huge).
7. For web development I use MAMP if you use this don’t forget to backup the settings and htdocs folder.
8. Please verify you didn’t miss anything.

Uninstall Apps Mac Snow Leopard Mac

Once that’s all done and you confirm you have everything backed up nice and safe…

You can start the Clean Install of Mac OS X Snow Leopard


1. Pop in Snow Leopard
2. Boot to CD/DVD by hold down “C” while booting.
3. Follow the prompts
4. Then head to the Disk Utility and reformat the drive you will be using to install OS X Snow Leopard.
5. Install Snow Leopard by following the prompts.
6. Once the install is done then I start installing my important apps. Applications I know for certain I need or use all the time. I don’t install everything. Because, I actually most likely – believe it or not – don’t – need everything 😉 That’s where that list comes in handy. I figure if I can live without the app for a few weeks maybe a month. I probably don’t really need it. But I save the list and settings just in case. 🙂

My system always runs faster and smoother when I do things like this. Like I stated before YMWV (your mileage will vary).

Matt is a Systems Development Director for a multinational franchise. Matt has lived and worked in Hawaii, Chicago, South Florida and currently resides outside of Atlanta. He enjoys his hobbies including Technology, Gadgets/EDC, Fountain Pens, Wetshaving, Clocks, Antiques & Coffee. He even roasts his own coffee weekly.