Vipkid Teacher Mac App
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I want to TEACH ESL online
The VIPKID Teacher App is a Chrome browser wrapped in an app. VIPKID chose this option to be able to serve a reliable teaching experience across all Operating Systems used by their teachers. That way, they can reliably use the same technology for all their classrooms. VIPKid is an online education company that connects students and teachers globally through one-to-one personalized English language classes. Learn more about teaching with VIPKid. Install the Teacher Application Integration - FeedbackPanda Launcher. Updated over a week ago This article will show you how to: Install the FeedbackPanda Launcher with the VIPKID Teacher App on Mac and Windows. 1) Install the FeedbackPanda Launcher 1.1) Instructions for Mac. World Teachers’ Day began in 1994 as a way to honor the 1966 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, an organization dedicated to achieving peace and mutual understanding through the promotion of education, science, and culture.
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Tim was quick to dive in and help me become a VIPKID teacher. Tim was always supportive and came up with great ideas to get me through the process.
Otto Hart
Union Employee ManagerTim was a terrific help to me during the process of applying to teach online. He gave me numerous pointers on the application process, mock interviews and my video interview.
Leslie Craigmyle
Senior Property ManagerAfter research, I found Tim who was very encouraging and helpful in the process of getting hired. His response time is incredible – I highly recommend him!
Pati Nelson
International School TeacherIf after reading and implementing the solutions in this article, you still have issues with the VIPKID Teacher App, we recommend using FeedbackPanda from inside the browser-based teaching portals Class List screen, after having installed the Browser Extension. This will continue to allow you to use FeedbackPanda without integrating it into your VIPKID Teacher App and without using the FeedbackPanda Launcher.
The FeedbackPanda Launcher was engineered to have no or as little impact on the performance of the VIPKID Teacher App.
For some teachers, particularly on computers that are a bit older or used heavily, the VIPKID Teacher App may show signs of lag or unexpected behavior, no matter if FeedbackPanda is active in it or not.

For those affected teachers, we have been collecting a number of ways to help with making the VIPKID Teacher App work a bit better here:

Why do these performance problems exist?
The VIPKID Teacher App is a Chrome browser wrapped in an app. VIPKID chose this option to be able to serve a reliable teaching experience across all Operating Systems used by their teachers. That way, they can reliably use the same technology for all their classrooms. That requires the wrapped Chrome browser version to be fixed. Consequently, if you have a Chrome browser installed and running on your computer, starting the app loads a full, older Chrome browser into your systems memory. That is very taxing, as Chrome is known to use a lot of memory. Two Chromes will use at least twice as much, and since the wrapped Chrome never gets updated, it won't ever receive memory-saving upgrades. As a result, many systems that are already low on memory see significant problems with their VIPKID Teacher App, as Chrome is also known to start acting weird when it is starved for available memory.
How can I save or free system memory?
Make sure to close all non-essential programs that may be running on your computer. Some programs may be hiding in your task menu or menu bar, running as background processes. If you have programs like Windows Media Player or iTunes open, close them while you are teaching. Email programs and word processors may also be closed to save some memory.
You likely want to have a browser window open, particularly if you are using FeedbackPanda in between classes. Make sure to close any tabs that you don't need at that point, particularly media-heavy pages such as news or video pages. They often load plugins for their media content, and those require and use a lot of memory.
A freshly rebooted computer will always provide the best performance. If you have memory issues often, reboot your computer often, best before diving into your work.
How can I reset my VIPKID Teacher App?
When the VIPKID Teacher App starts doing weird things, like not loading pages or just showing white screens, we recommend a computer reboot. That usually clears up problems as there will be more memory available after the reboot.
If the problems persist even after the reboot, the VIPKID Teacher App has a built-in option to clear the application cache. You can reach that option like this:
For Mac, click on the VIPKIDT menu in the menu bar, and select Clear Cache:
For Windows, click the Dorito-style triangle icon in the top right corner of the VIPKID Teacher App and select Clear Cache:
After that, it's best to close the VIPKID Teacher App and launch it again from the FeedbackPanda Launcher.
Is there anything I can change within the FeedbackPanda Launcher to improve performance?
We have added a feature called 'VIPKID Connector Mode' to allow you to change the way the FeedbackPanda Launcher connects to the VIPKID Teacher App. You can change that setting in the Settings view which can be accessed from the bottom right of the FeedbackPanda Launcher window:
Vipkid Teacher App Mac
Set the VIPKID Connector Mode to something slower than your current setting, save the Settings and then close and re-open the FeedbackPanda Launcher. Please be aware that the Panda Buttons inside the VIPKID Teacher App may now appear a bit later and take a bit longer to react to you clicking them.
Once you launch the VIPKID Teacher App, a pause button will appear:
Clicking that pause button will stop all interaction with the VIPKID Teacher App until you click the button again, now labelled 'Resume FeedbackPanda Integration'. Use that to completely stop all integration activity. We recommend using the pause button when teaching.
Please be aware that the Panda buttons will not work while the FeedbackPanda Integration is paused. Resuming will allow for that to work again.
Vipkid App For Windows 10
You will need to update your FeedbackPanda Launcher to at least version 1.3.10 for this feature to be present.