Remove Docker App Mac

No offense against Docker. I like the concept and the software!

  1. Remove Docker App Mac Os
  2. Mac Docker Windows
  3. Remove Docker For Mac

– This guide works for docker toolbox and old boot2docker, some boot2docker steps uninstall steps are not needed but it will not hurt for docker toolbox uninstallation –

Docker Desktop is an application for MacOS and Windows machines for the building and sharing of containerized applications and microservices. Docker Desktop delivers the speed, choice and security you need for designing and delivering containerized applications on your desktop. Docker Desktop includes Docker App, developer tools, Kubernetes. Using Docker on a Mac in 2020 is comparable to having a 2009 Peugeot 1007 in 2020. I would know for i have both. I work as one of our team leads, serving a team of around 30-ish JS & PHP developers.

Docker containers are not automatically removed when you stop them unless you start the container using the -rm flag. Removing one or more containers # To remove one or more Docker containers, use the docker container rm command, followed by the IDs of the containers you want to remove. Check again installed Intel HAXM version used by emulator by typing previous commands. If it’s version 6.1.1 or newer, that would be great. That means you can use Docker and Android emulator together in harmony on your macOS machine. Hope this simple tutorial solves your problem. Docker for Mac conflict with Android. Uninstall current version /Applications/ -uninstall; download and install previous version this not solve current issue but at least I can continue my work. Will help debugging current issue once I got some time. If you don’t get output, you can go ahead and use Docker for Mac. However, if you do get output (like in the example), you need to unset the Docker variables so the client can talk to the Docker for Mac Engine. Run: unset DOCKERTLSVERIFY unset DOCKERCERTPATH unset DOCKERMACHINENAME unset DOCKERHOST.

But I absolutely do not like the official Docker OS X installer (install manual). Things are improved with docker toolbox but uninstalling is still not trivial.

The reason for this are:

  • It installs Virtualbox and has downgraded my existing Virtualbox Host software (seems this is fixed for Docker toolbox now).
  • It installs an app and several binaries.
  • Everything packaged up into a .pkg and no uninstall app or instructions anywhere!

In summary it tries to do too much. Many developers use tools like Vagrant & Homebrew. Why not go that way?

Uninstall steps for boot2docker / Docker

Be sure you’ve only used the official installer. This uninstall guide is not the right one if you have installed Docker with e.g. Homebrew or other methods.

If you also want to delete all your docker machines first run:

Stop boot2docker and delete the VBox image:

Remove boot2docker & docker app:

Remove all Docker and boot2docker command line tools:

Remove docker packages:

Remove boot2docker VBox image:

Remove Docker App Mac Os

Remove boot2docker ssh keys:

Remove additional boot2docker files in /private folder:

Remove docker toolbox config folder:

Remove the environmental variable DOCKER_HOST in case you have fixed it somewhere like e.g. in .bash_profile.

(Optional) Uninstall steps for Virtualbox

You can also delete Virtualbox of course. But if you are a developer you probably need it anyway. In case your VBox got also downgraded: Reinstall Virtualbox.

If you really want to uninstall Virtualbox:

  • Download the latest official Virtualbox installer.
  • Open the DMG file and execute the uninstaller. Simple!

Update 2016-06-28:

  • Also remove docker toolbox ~/.docker directory.

Update 2016-06-03:

  • Added newest uninstall procedures for docker toolbox.

Update 2014-10-06:

  • Added uninstall instructions for home directory.

Update 2014-11-13:

Mac Docker Windows

  • Added ssh keys uninstall. Thx to @mtscout6.

Update 2014-11-21:

  • boot2docker has now an official uninstall script but I do not know how you are supposed to run it except downloading it directly from github and execute it :( Today I’ve checked and it is not inside the official pkg installer. It also does not remove the boot2docker app from your programs.
  • Added uninstall routines for /private folder.

What is Docker?

Docker is an app for building, bugging and testing containerized apps. You can run Docker on a Mac, Windows, or Linux machines. It allows developers to do everything necessary from start to finish to create and ship containerized apps.

If you’ve downloaded it to try it out and have decided not to use it, you may need to uninstall it. Here, we’ll show you how to do it.

Check running processes first

There are several steps needed to uninstall Docker on your Mac. The first is to get rid of the application itself, but before that, check there are no currently running processes.

  1. Go to Applications > Utilities and launch Activity Monitor.
  2. Look for any processes in the list that have “Docker” in their name.
  3. If you find any, select them and press the “Quit Process” button in the Activity Monitor toolbar.
  4. Quit Activity Monitor.

How to uninstall Docker manually

  1. In Finder, go to your Applications folder.
  2. Locate the Docker app.
  3. Drag it to the Trash and empty it.

That removes Docker, or at least the main application. It doesn’t get rid of all the files that were installed along with it. So, you’ll need to track those down and remove them.

  1. In Finder, choose the Go menu and select “Go to Folder.”
  2. In the text box, paste: ~/Library
  3. Click on the Application Scripts folder and look for “com.docker.helper”
  4. Drag it to the Trash.
  5. Now, click on the Caches folder and look for the com.docker.docker folder.
  6. When you find it, drag it to the Trash.
  7. Next, find the Containers folder, select it and look for “com.docker.docker” and “com.docker.helper” and drag those to the Trash.
  8. Check the Application Support folder for any files or folders with Docker in their name. If you find any, drag those to the Trash too.

How to uninstall Docker with CleanMyMac X

Once you’ve removed all those files and trashed the Docker application, it should be completely uninstalled. If all of that seems like a lot of work, there is an easier way. By using a dedicated uninstaller, like the one in CleanMyMac X, you can uninstall multiple apps in a few clicks.

There is something else to bear in mind. If you think you might use Docker again, but have decided to uninstall it because it seems to be causing problems on your Mac, you could try resetting it. That way you won’t have to download Docker for Mac all over again. Resetting an app means removing all of its settings and preferences files so that when you next launch it, it starts up as if it was a brand new copy of the application. You might find that it solves the problem.

The easiest way to reset an app is to use CleanMyMac X. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Download, install and launch CleanMyMac X (free trial available).
  2. In the left hand sidebar, in the Applications section, choose Uninstaller.
  3. When all the applications are listed, locate Docker and check the circle next to it.
  4. Click on the dropdown menu labelled Uninstall and choose Reset.
  5. Press the Reset button at the bottom of the window.
  6. Wait for it to finish and quit CleanMyMac X.

Docker will now have reset and the next time you launch it all its settings and preferences will have returned to their default. So, you’ll need to set it up again from scratch, but any problems it was causing your Mac should be gone.

Remove Docker For Mac

Uninstalling Docker manually isn’t particularly difficult. But as you can see from the steps above, it’s time consuming and quite fiddly. You need to look in several different folders that are hidden away on your Mac. By far the easiest way to uninstall any app, is to use a dedicated uninstaller like the one in CleanMyMac X. However, before you uninstall it, you should consider resetting Docker, as that may well solve any problems you’ve been having. You can do that using CleanMyMac X too.